Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Visualizing a dream

I like Linda Dupie's idea. She makes an actual book cover and puts it around a book, placing it where she can see it while she's writing her story. WHY do I like it?

When you want to make something happen, you need to visualize it, think of it and SEE it. How can you make "it" real if you don't know what "it" looks like? When you can see it, when it takes shape, you know what you need to do to get from Point A to Point B. Well, I hope that is so.

Isn't that a marvelous concept?

A long while ago a friend admired the chart I spent a LOT of time with indicating the characters and their relationships, plotting and so on. Then she said, "That's very nice. Now put it away and just write a good story."


At eye level I have a poster I created:


But I'm thinking if I create a book cover and wrap it around a real book and keep it near my work area, that might be a fantastic visual tool to help me stay focused instead of sitting down at my work area, looking at the daily planner I didn't fill in with my goals for the day and then ask myself, "Self, what are we going to write today?"

What good are the tools if we don't use them?

(c) 2013 Cathy Thomas Brownfield ~ All Rights Reserved. Permission to use is required. Also, a link to this blog is required when used. Thank you for the courtesy.

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